NEWS & Insights

Former House Reading Clerk Joe Novotny Shares Insights with POLITICO

HBS Principal Joe Novotny shared insights into his former role as Reading Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives with POLITICO as recent public attention has turned to the position.

The following is an excerpt:


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— Novotny, who served as House reading clerk from 2010 to 2021, has parlayed that experience and insight into parliamentary procedure into a career on K Street, where he lobbies for clients like Missouri State University and the National Milk Producers Federation at Husch Blackwell Strategies. He chatted with PI last week about what it’s like being in such a singular role.

— “It sort of humanizes the institution in a different way,” Novotny offered as a potential explanation of what it is about the role that captivates C-SPAN nerds and non-politics watchers alike.

— Each party actually appoints their own clerk, but “even though we have our affiliations, our jobs are effectively nonpartisan,” Novotny said, which jumps out against the backdrop of partisan infighting. “People do pick up on that — it is that thing of, you know … you are impartial, and you’re not taking sides, you’re there to announce and to do the work.”

— The imperturbable manner of delivery also helps, he added, especially when tensions are running high — like during the speaker battle or, say, reading presidential articles of impeachment, as Novotny did during the Trump administration. It’s not an accident: Novtony had to prepare an audition tape of sorts to submit to then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and clerks are encouraged to work with a speech coach for help with things like enunciation and projection.

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