Our Team

Amy Blunt

General Counsel for Compliance | Principal
Jefferson City

Possessing in-depth knowledge of campaign and election law, in addition to issues of public policy advocacy, Amy delivers expert insight to candidates running for public office and businesses that seek to engage in political activities. Amy works with HB Strategies’ clients to ensure compliance with campaign finance and lobbying laws at the federal, state and local level.

Prior to joining HB Strategies, Amy practiced law for more than fifteen years, until recognizing that her unique expertise and talents filled a market gap. In 2009, she launched her own consulting firm which until recently was based in Columbia, Missouri. The firm’s focus centered around providing assistance to corporations in the construction, hospitality, manufacturing and marketing industries in the administration and formation of corporate PACs. The firm also provided services to help corporations and not-for-profits attain public policy goals through strategic advocacy and government relations.

Amy has vast experience in matters of political campaigns and government affairs – she previously served as a senior policy advisor to former Governor Matt Blunt’s successful 2004 campaign, as well as holding positions as Financial Compliance Director and General Counsel to the successful Senate campaign of Roy Blunt in 2010 and 2016.  Amy has also worked as both a consultant and general counsel for numerous political candidate committees at the local, state and federal level.

In addition to bringing her expertise and talents to the HB Strategies team, Amy currently serves as compliance and ethics counsel to sitting Members of the United States Congress.

Amy holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Missouri, is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Law and is the co-author of The New Federal Lobbying Regulations and What In-House Counsel Needs to Know About Them, (Bloomberg Corporate Law Journal, Volume 3, Winter 2008, Issue 1).