NEWS & Insights

Best Lawyers in America Recognizes Mark Vane in 2025 List of Nation’s Best in Government Relations

The 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in America® is out and features HB Strategies Principal Mark Vane. This is the sixteenth consecutive year that Mark has been recognized by his peers in the exclusive list of the nation’s best professionals in government relations. Mark’s expertise has earned him recognition as one of the best attorneys in Texas and the nation who practice before legislatures and state agencies. Mark is also board certified in Legislative and Campaign Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He is among only 13 attorneys in the state who have received this certification.

Mark has earned a statewide reputation as a go-to lobbyist in Austin. Clients turn to Mark to get things done and trust his bipartisan reputation and record of success. He often represents trade and industry associations and helps clients with high-profile interests before the Legislature and state regulatory agencies.