NEWS & Insights

HB Strategies Report Examines Private Equity Investment in Healthcare and its Government Risk

First in Series of Reports on Public Policy and Regulatory Issues

Any talk of private equity investment in healthcare is certain to stir a spirited discussion as firms have purchased over 6,000 physician practices, 460 hospitals, and five-percent of nursing homes nationwide over the past decade. The wide held view is that PE investments save shuttering healthcare facilities, expand healthcare access, and power medical advancements, however, some insist that PE-controlled facilities charge more, cost more to operate, and compromise the quality of care practiced.

In the first of a new series of public policy and regulatory reports, the HB Strategies team assesses current risks from Congress and state legislatures to private equity investments in healthcare. The HB Strategies REPORT Private Equity Investment in Healthcare outlines obstacles impacting private equity and provides a proactive blueprint to safeguard innovative investments in healthcare.

HB Strategies CEO Andy Blunt noted at the release of the report, “More and more companies face multifaceted and growing risks across all government, with distinct and emerging risks from Congress and in specific state capitals. Our new series, HB Strategies Report, will identify and examine the potential legislative and regulatory obstacles and opportunities through the lens of our team of professional lobbyists and public affairs advisors nationwide.”

DOWNLOAD: HB Strategies REPORT Private Equity Investment in Healthcare


ABOUT HB Strategies

HB Strategies was established in 2018 with the merger of three government affairs practices of Husch Blackwell LLP, Statehouse Strategies LLC, and Cloakroom Advisors LLC, to form a multi-jurisdiction state and federal legislative government affairs firm. HB Strategies Chief Executive Officer Andy Blunt and HB Strategies Chief Operating Officer Gregg Hartley are co-founders of the firm. Today, HB Strategies moves the needle of public opinion and guides decisions of public officials through its integrated services of state and federal lobbying, executive-level strategic counsel, and public affairs. With one of the largest networks of state lobbyists in the country, HB Strategies has twelve offices nationwide – in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Wisconsin, a federal practice group that ranks as one of Washington’s top performing lobbying firms, and the HB Strategies Public Affairs group based in St. Louis. U.S. Senator Roy Blunt chairs the firm’s Leadership Strategies Advisory Services group in Washington – a specialized executive team that provides a comprehensive whole-of-government advisory service that is tailored to the needs of a specific organization.