NEWS & Insights

New Series from HB Strategies Analyzes State Attorneys General Races in Next Election Cycle – First Report Includes Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, and Colorado

A new series of reports from the HB Strategies 50 State Team, AG Power Play: The Contenders, profiles the incumbents and candidates of the 30 state attorneys general races in the 2025-2026 election cycle. The first report out today analyzes the AG races in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, and Colorado.

HB Strategies CEO Andy Blunt kicked off the series on Monday with an introductory report that examined a 35-year trend line in State Attorney General action and setting the framework for the 50 State team’s forecasting the political future of the 30 office holders.

Andy noted today, “The ongoing constitutional tug-of-war between the Judicial and Executive branches is just beginning to unfold. With a single AG now able to transform public policy, analyzing the political future of State Attorneys General races in 2025-2026 is essential for organizations navigating this emerging regulatory landscape.”

The HB Strategies 50 State team will profile five contenders in six editions with each report examining the past and present political dynamics of each race; identifying whether the incumbent will run, is term-limited, or eying the Governor’s mansion; and the latest information on any challengers.

Andy summarized the first five races, “The first five states demonstrate that term limits, ambition, and shifting political alignments make Attorneys General contests pivotal to policy outcomes. In Alabama, term-limited AG Steve Marshall (R) leaves an open seat drawing significant Republican interest, with several high-profile candidates positioning themselves for what will likely be a decisive GOP primary. Arizona’s political battleground status shows in AG Kris Mayes’ (D) razor-thin 280-vote victory margin in 2022, creating one of 2026’s most competitive races. Arkansas AG Tim Griffin (R) faces minimal opposition in the solidly Republican state. California’s AG Rob Bonta (D) recently committed to seeking reelection rather than pursuing the open governor’s seat. In Colorado, AG Phil Weiser’s (D) gubernatorial run creates an open contest in an increasingly Democratic-leaning state. The dynamics of these five, and all 30 State Attorneys General races, could alter the balance of power and transform public policy across the United States.”



The 50 STATE team acts as an advocacy hub to help clients accomplish their national objectives. 50 STATE provides clients the ability to manage their nationwide objectives in an organized and effective way to produce winning results as well as cover areas of an existing team to strengthen the client’s presence in key areas across the country. The team is immediately embedded into a client’s existing organization with one task in mind, helping the existing team to better define and accomplish their objectives. The team’s ability to seamlessly integrate into an existing organizational structure distinguishes it from others and is essential to its track record of success.


HB Strategies CEO Andy Blunt and HB Strategies COO Gregg Hartley co-founded the firm in 2018 and today HB Strategies has thirteen offices nationwide. The firm has one of the largest networks of state lobbyists in the country with capital offices in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin. The firm’s Federal Government Affairs group ranks as one of Washington’s top-performing lobbying firms. Its Public Affairs practice is based in St. Louis. And U.S. Senator Roy Blunt chairs the firm’s Leadership Strategies Advisory Services group in Washington – a specialized executive team that provides a comprehensive whole-of-government advisory service that is tailored to the needs of a specific organization.