
HB Strategies Colorado is the state’s premier bipartisan lobbying and government affairs team with more than forty years of combined political and legislative experience.

The HB Strategies CO team has a breadth of experience in legislative advocacy that few in the state can match. Whether it is building relationships within Colorado’s legislative and executive branches or leveraging their in-depth perspective of the issues, the people, the politics and the process – the HB Strategies team in Denver delivers results for clients.

HB Strategies Colorado Team Members

Managing Principal
Executive Assistant


Case Studies


An association representing commercial and residential real estate developers.


Colorado state statues were amended to allow a homeowners association boards to bring a construction defects lawsuit, similar to a class-action lawsuit, on behalf of all condo unit owners based on a minor defect in one unit. As a result, multifamily housing developments for sale came to a screeching halt. Interest groups had lawmakers convinced this was the best way to protect consumers. In order to spur condominium development, the statute had to be changed in a way that would assure insurance companies there would be appropriate checks on the filing of such lawsuits.


Our team developed and managed a diverse coalition including housing developers, local governments, non-profits, affordable housing providers, insurance companies, legal counsel, and more. We developed options to amend the statute to make it more equitable and then engaged the construction defects plaintiff attorneys who file these claims to extensively study the options.


Our team was able to educate lawmakers on the effect of the existing statute and the need for change. Together with our coalition, we were also able to negotiate with opposition groups to create meaningful change in the law.


A leading pharmaceutical company in substance use disorders.


Receiving reimbursement under Colorado Medicare has been an ongoing problem. Legislative adjustments needed to be made to allow for benefit reimbursements for patients to receive long-acting injectable medications for substance use disorder and those who with conditions requiring antipsychotics.

Our team was assigned to help establish legislation that would expand Medicare reimbursements from a medical benefit to include the option for a pharmacy benefit with explicit allowance for Federally Qualified Health Care Centers to receive the benefit as well. A difficult proposition given the historic push back.


Our team quickly assembled a large coalition including non-profits, patients advocates, homeless advocates, long-acting injectable pharmaceutical companies, Federally Qualified Health Care Centers, pharmacists, pharmacies, and more to educate and inform legislative and executive branch members of the significance and need for this policy.


A strong bipartisan policy solution for pharmaceutical reimbursement was introduced in the House and Senate with a strong coalition of members and passed with close to unanimous support.


A significant coalition of agricultural growers representing one of the largest economic sectors for the state of Colorado.


An industry altering policy was introduced in the 2021 legislative session. The bill was initiated and written with a bias towards a national policy that would disrupt state labor practices, harming Colorado agriculture production.

Our team was hired by the growers to lower the negative impact on growers including the need for them to automate their operations, lower their crop output, or close their operation entirely.


Our team collaborated with the bill sponsors, Senate leadership, and a greater agricultural coalition to develop amendments that would adjust the policy to be more Colorado specific, send contentious areas of policy to department rule making, and work to positively develop relationships and be seen as a resource and industry expert.


We secured significant improvements to the initial legislation and developed strong relationships with the departments and members on behalf of the client.

Recent materials produced by our team at Husch Blackwell Strategies:

118th Congress - U.S. Senate

118th Congress - U.S. House

2024 Congressional Calendar