
As trusted advisors with expertise across government and business, the HBS Nebraska team brings its combined fifty-plus years of government relations experience to the halls of the state’s Capitol to champion their clients’ interests. Our team has successfully advocated for clients within telecommunications, infrastructure, utilities, manufacturing, healthcare, as well as trade associations.

Regarded for their attention to detail and careful management skills, our team exercises a steady hand on behalf of clients, guided by facts, insights and strategies developed over many years of experience.

The HBS Nebraska team provides clients access to a robust network of relationships within the state government and stakeholders across Nebraska’s businesses. They are partners in their client’s success as they create opportunities and achieve effective legislative solutions.

HBS Nebraska Team Members

Executive Vice President, State Government Affairs
General Counsel for Contracting
Managing Principal


Case Studies


A next generation chemical and energy company that focuses on technology to create products in an economically-sustainable and environmentally responsible manner. The company moved its headquarters from California to Nebraska to take advantage of the state’s cheap electricity and abundant water resources along with Nebraska’s business-friendly environment.


The company was expanding its manufacturing plant directly outside a small Nebraska town and was seeking funding assistance to improve the area’s infrastructure. The main road along the company’s growth site was gravel, and the company wanted to pave it to ease plant construction concerns and increased congestion on the road for local residents.


Through targeted outreach to the state’s Department of Economic Development and Department of Transportation, the HBS team connected its client with an economic opportunity grant program that helps attract economic growth with strategic transportation improvements. The HBS team also secured critical support from the county as the lead sponsor of the grant application and obtained a support letter from the area’s state senator to validate the need of the road improvement and the support of the company’s expansion. Close coordination between all of these stakeholders was integral to demonstrate the validity of the company’s expansion and the direct and indirect benefits it will bring to the state.


By educating all stakeholders ahead of time and detailing the company’s expansion plans and value to the state, HBS was able to secure reserve funds in the grant program for the project. An application was submitted and the county/client was awarded a grant.


A leading vapor products manufacturer who has been a focal point of the larger national narrative attacking the vapor industry.


Several bills were introduced during the 2019 legislative session that would put restrictions on the sale and types of vapor products, reduce the legal age for the consumption of vapor products, and implement a tax on these products.

HBS was brought on by the manufacturer to change the narrative on its products, create a positive message for its benefits as an alternative for current adult smokers, and work with legislators to craft progressive change for youth prevention with an increased age restriction of 21.


The HBS team quickly determined that the legislation the client was most opposed to was likely to pass the legislature. Working with the sponsoring senator, we explained the manufacturer’s proactive measures to restrict flavor sales to online, improving ID measures online, improving retail compliance, ending social media efforts, and its supporting an “age 21” restriction. These efforts turned the Senator from an adversary to a partner.


The client was pleased with the final result and viewed the legislation as a step in the right direction towards combating teen use. Additionally, these efforts were a positive step in improving the client’s image with stakeholders in Nebraska and across the country.


Nebraska was in need of a stakeholder coalition to serve as a transportation infrastructure advocacy group at the state level.


Create a transportation advocacy organization to fill an identified void in the business and industry space for increased highway construction appropriations.


Create Nebraska’s leading infrastructure advocacy coalition. The team cultivated the involvement of leading area businesses, led initial fundraising efforts, built the budget, worked with legal and accounting professionals to incorporate the group, hired an executive director, and led all lobbying efforts.

Working in close coordination with the executive director and the board, we developed an organizational mission, key priorities, and policy positions regarding the infrastructure development in Nebraska.


Due to the organization’s early advocacy, the Legislature passed a gas tax increase to fund and accelerate construction of the state’s highway system. The organization is a recognized advocate for transportation infrastructure in the state, working closely with NDOT and the Legislature on highway construction.

Currently the organization is working in partnership with NDOT to pursue a BUILD grant for the second phase of construction on Highway 275.

Recent materials produced by our team at Husch Blackwell Strategies:

118th Congress - U.S. Senate

118th Congress - U.S. House

2024 Congressional Calendar